
                                                  A True Friend !


Friends bind people in a bond of love, mutual trust, understanding and loyalty.

Friendship is a relationship which involves mutual self respect, trust, loyalty and affection. Good friends enjoy each others company, share the same interests and are loyal to each other.

A friend is some one, who stands by our, even during difficult times. It requires honesty and mutual understanding md has to be nurtured with devotion and patience.

Just as it takes patience grow a garden, in friendship, too, first a seed is planted and then it has to le taken care of, nourished and watered, daily. One has to tend it with love and care.

Friendship is Man’s emotional and psychological necessity. You can share your feelings, frustrations and happiness with your friend. You can also depend upon your friend for keeping your trust.

A true friend never lets up down even under most threatening circumstances. He/she will never jet ray you even under pressure.

The importance of friendship cannot be undermined because we cannot survive without good friends. It is a very important relationship in the emotional life of every human being. A friend, who supports him only when it is convenient, is called a “Fair-weather-Friend”.

The one, who supports his friends, through emotional difficulties, is a “True Friend”. He is ready to make sacrifices in order to help his friend. A true friend is some one, whom you [know will be there for you, whenever you need him.


Friendship is a necessary part of every human’s life as none of us is self sufficient. A friend is a trust-worthy companion who cherishes special moments and memories of life with another person.

A good friend plays an active part in his friend’s life. He is happy when his friend is happy. He feels achieved with his friend’s accomplishments. They share affection, which fills them with positive energy, they spend time thinking of their friends, of who is important for them and how to find ways to help them.

Friendship requires devoting time and patience. There can bal disagreements and quarrels also, which is natural, but one must have till patience to deal with such frustrations. Being reasonable, a forgiving nature! Willingness to compromise when one can and persistence to rebuild friends are needed for a true and lasting relationship.

True friendship cannot flourish! Without a give and take attitude the more the efforts put into it, the morel will lead towards everlasting happiness and trust. Friendship also helps in molding the kind of person you are.

Never rush to make friends because friendship needs a good foundation. We must accept our friend as he is. The essence of friendship is sincerity and giving one’s self to your friend without thinking of getting anything in return. At times, when we meet new and interesting people,! Our loyalty changes and old friends are forgotten. A lesson to be learnt, “Do not forget old friends while making new ones.”

My friend’s name is Ani. She is 15 years old. I know 10 years. She is tall, thin and she has bloue eyes. She is good learn in school. Ani is very  smart.I love her, because she is my best friend.

                                   Xavi Hernandes Creos !


Xavier Hernández Creus was born on January 25, 1980, in Terrassa, Spain. The son of a former professional soccer player, Xavi demonstrated impressive athletic abilities at an early age and joined La Masia, the training academy of FC Barcelona, at age 11. A rapid rise through the academy’s ranks earned the midfielder a spot on the 1997-98 reserve team, which won its division to earn a promotion.    

The 1998-99 season was a successful one for Xavi, who scored a goal in his senior-side debut in August 1998 and went on to be named La Liga Breakthrough Player of the Year. He was also a member of the FIFA World Youth Championship–winning team in 1999, and earned a silver medal at the 2000 Summer Olympics

By 2004-05, Xavi was a leader of a talented Barcelona side that featured fellow La Masia products Carles Puyol and Andrés Iniesta, as well as Brazilian stars Deco and Ronaldinho. Xavi’s style was considered an embodiment of the passing and moving techniques taught in the Barcelona system, and it was effective enough lead Barcelona to league and Super Cup wins in 2005

Torn knee ligaments forced Xavi to miss most of Barcelona’s La Liga–winning season and Champions League victory in 2006, though he helped the club win another Super Cup that August.


Xavi is the playmaker of the team in every game and shows no nerves whatsoever as he guides the team with an extraordinarily cool head. Since taking on the mantle of playmaker at Barca he has shown incredible vision on the pitch. He is another example of the good work being carried out in the youth teams of Barcelona, especially in the position referred to as number 4 and as he has matured he has shown an increasing ability to adapt himself to different positions in the midfield when his manager has called on him.

His passing to the forwards and his ability to take the pressure off and protect the ball better than almost any other player around, have turned him into one of the focal points on the pitch. He also stands out for his defensive capabilities and his capacity as a ball winner.

In addition he has shown himself more than able at dead ball situations, where his potent shot has brought a number of important goals.

Xavi will always remember December 2, 2005. During training in front of La Masia,the Terrassa-born midfielder suffered a bad injury to his left knee as he ruptured his ligaments. Within five months he was back in action. On April 29, 2006 he returned to play against Cádiz and stated “I feel like a football player again”. He was able to celebrate winning the title and the Champions League with the rest of the squad.  The midfielder from Terrassa was one of the final candidates for the FIFA WORLD PLAYER AWARD 2008, finally finishing in fifth place.

The Barça playmaker was a regular in Luis Aragonés’ Spain team during the 2006 World Cup in Germany, where the team progressed to the second round before being beaten by France.

                                     Merry Christmas Spain !


Most people in Spain go to Midnight Mass or ‘La Misa Del Gallo’ (The Mass of the Rooster). It is called this because a rooster is supposed to have crowed the night that Jesus was born.

Most families eat their main Christmas meal on Christmas Eve before the service. The traditional Spanish Christmas dinner is ‘Pavo Trufado de Navidad’ which is Turkey stuffed with truffles (the mushrooms, not the chocolate ones!) In Galicia (a region in north-west Spain, surrounded by water) the most popular meal for Christmas Eve and for Christmas Day is seafood. This can all kinds of different seafood, from shellfish and mollusks, to lobster and small edible crabs.

After the midnight service, people walk through the streets carrying torches, playing guitars and beating on tambourines and drums. One Spanish saying is ‘Esta noche es Noche-Buena, Y no Es noche de dormir’ which means ‘Tonight is the good night and it is not meant for sleeping!’


New Year’s Eve is called ‘Nochevieja’ or ‘The Old Night’ in Spain and one special tradition is that you eat 12 grapes with the 12 strokes of the clock at Midnight! Each grape represents a month of the coming year, so if you eat the twelve grapes, you are said to be lucky in the new year.

Children have some presents on Christmas Day, but most are opened at Epiphany. Some children believe that the Kings bring presents to them at Epiphany. They write letters to the Kings on Boxing Day, December 26th, asking for toys and presents. And on Epiphany Eve (January 5th) they leave shoes on windowsills or balconies or under the Christmas Tree to be filled with presents. Gifts are often left by children for the Kings, a class of Cognac for each King, a satsuma and some walnuts. Sometimes a bucket of water is left for the camels that bring the Kings! If the children have been bad, the Kings might leave pieces of coal made out of sugar in the presents!


Some big towns and cities have Epiphany Parades with each King having a big float that is shaped like a camel. Sometimes there are also real camels in the parade. The Three Kings in the the Spanish Epiphany are:The Catalonia province of Spain there’s a Christmas character called ‘Tió de Nadal’ (the Christmas log) or he’s sometimes known as ‘Caga tio’ (the pooping log!). It’s a small hollow log propped up on two legs with a smiling face painted on one end. From the 8th December (the Feast of the Immaculate Conception) Catalan families gives the log a few morsels of food to ‘eat’ and a blanket to keep it warm. On Christmas Day or Christmas Eve, the log then ‘gives out’ small gifts!


Short Summery

“The Ghost of Genny castle”


The Ghost of Genny Castle is a short,mistery story. This story was written by John Escott in 1995.

The story is about Claire, a girl who goes to stay at her aunt’s cottage for Christmas.

In the village where her aunt lives there’s a castle with a tall and black tower; Claire wants to visist it, but the village people, and her aunt too, tell her that the castle isn’t a good place to visit, because it’s dangerous and there strange accidents allways happen so animals and people die…

One day, a boy tells Claire that in the castle there’s a ghost with fair hair; Claire thinks it’s a fantasy and she decides to visit the castle and know its secret.

The story that the book tells is really interesting because it has mystery with a ghost,witches and a old castle. The story has all the ingredients to be a good terror book but, for me, it’s very strange because the end comes too soon and I want to know more! Maybe, if the end was different I would like the book very much.

I can recomend this book for a person who doesn’t have much time because it’s short and very easy to read, but if you have time … read another book more interesting!!!

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